
The Number element is meant to be paired with the Zend/Form/View/Helper/FormNumber for HTML5 inputs with type number. This element adds filters and validators to it’s input filter specification in order to validate HTML5 number input values on the server.

Basic Usage of Zend\Form\Element\Number

This element automatically adds a "type" attribute of value "number".

use Zend\Form\Element;
use Zend\Form\Form;

$number = new Element\Number('quantity');
        'min'  => '0',
        'max'  => '10',
        'step' => '1', // default step interval is 1

$form = new Form('my-form');


Note: the min, max, and step attributes should be set prior to calling Zend\Form::prepare(). Otherwise, the default input specification for the element may not contain the correct validation rules.

Available Methods

The following methods are in addition to the inherited methods of Zend\Form\Element.



Returns a input filter specification, which includes Zend\Filter\StringTrim and will add the appropriate validators based on the values from the min, max, and step attributes.

If the min attribute is set, a Zend\Validator\GreaterThan validator will be added to ensure the number value is greater than the minimum value. The min value should be a valid floating point number.

If the max attribute is set, a Zend\Validator\LessThanValidator validator will be added to ensure the number value is less than the maximum value. The max value should be a valid floating point number.

If the step attribute is set to “any”, step validations will be skipped. Otherwise, a a Zend\Validator\Step validator will be added to ensure the number value is within a certain interval (default is 1). The step value should be either “any” or a valid floating point number.

Returns array

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