.. _user-guide.styling-and-translations: ######################## Styling and Translations ######################## We’ve picked up the SkeletonApplication’s styling, which is fine, but we need to change the title and and remove the copyright message. The ZendSkeletonApplication is set up to use ``Zend\I18n``’s translation functionality for all the text. It uses ``.po`` files that live in ``application/language``, and you need to use `poedit `_ to change the text. Start poedit and open ``application/language/en_US.po``. Click on “Skeleton Application” in the list of ``Original`` strings and then type in “Tutorial” as the translation. .. image:: ../images/user-guide.styling-and-translations.poedit.png Press Save in the toolbar and poedit will create an ``en_US.mo`` file for us. To remove the copyright message, we need to edit the ``Application`` module’s ``layout.phtml`` view script: .. code-block:: php // module/Application/view/layout/layout.phtml: // Remove this line:

© 2005 - 2012 by Zend Technologies Ltd. translate('All rights reserved.') ?>

The page now looks ever so slightly better now! .. image:: ../images/user-guide.styling-and-translations.translated-image.png :width: 940 px