.. _zend.loader.classmap-generator: The Class Map Generator utility: bin/classmap_generator.php =========================================================== .. _zend.loader.classmap-generator.intro: Overview -------- The script ``bin/classmap_generator.php`` can be used to generate class map files for use with :ref:`the ClassMapAutoloader `. Internally, it consumes both :ref:`Zend\\Console\\Getopt ` (for parsing command-line options) and :ref:`Zend\\File\\ClassFileLocator ` for recursively finding all PHP class files in a given tree. .. _zend.loader.classmap-generator.quick-start: Quick Start ----------- You may run the script over any directory containing source code. By default, it will look in the current directory, and will write the script to ``.classmap.php`` in the directory you specify. .. code-block:: sh :linenos: php classmap_generator.php Some/Directory/ .. _zend.loader.classmap-generator.options: Configuration Options --------------------- .. rubric:: Class Map Generator Options **--help or -h** Returns the usage message. If any other options are provided, they will be ignored. **--library or -l** Expects a single argument, a string specifying the library directory to parse. If this option is not specified, it will assume the current working directory. **--output or -o** Where to write the autoload class map file. If not provided, assumes ".classmap.php" in the library directory. **--overwrite or -w** If an autoload class map file already exists with the name as specified via the ``--output`` option, you can overwrite it by specifying this flag. Otherwise, the script will not write the class map and return a warning.