.. _zend.mvc.services: Default Services ================ The default and recommended way to write Zend Framework applications uses a set of services defined in the ``Zend\Mvc\Service`` namespace. This chapter details what each of those services are, the classes they represent, and the configuration options available. .. _zend.mvc.services.service-manager-configuration: ServiceManagerConfiguration --------------------------- This is the one service class referenced directly in the bootstrapping. It provides the following: - **Invokable services** - ``DispatchListener``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\DispatchListener``. - ``Request``, mapping to ``Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request``. - ``Response``, mapping to ``Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response``. - ``RouteListener``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\RouteListener``. - ``ViewManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\View\ViewManager``. - **Factories** - ``Application``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ApplicationFactory``. - ``Configuration``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ConfigFactory``. Internally, this pulls the ``ModuleManager`` service, and calls its ``loadModules()`` method, and retrieves the merged configuration from the module event. As such, this service contains the entire, merged application configuration. - ``ControllerLoader``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ControllerLoaderFactory``. Internally, this pulls the ``Configuration`` service, and, if it contains a ``controller`` key, inspects that for ``classes`` and ``factories`` subkeys. These are used to configure a scoped service manager container, from which controllers will be retrieved. Additionally, the scoped container is configured to use the ``Di`` service as an abstract service factory -- effectively allowing you to fall back to DI in order to retrieve your controllers. If you want to use ``Zend\Di`` to retrieve your controllers, you must white-list them in your DI configuration under the ``allowed_controllers`` key (otherwise, they will just be ignored). Finally, if the loaded controller is ``Pluggable``, an initializer will inject it with the ``ControllerPluginBroker`` service. - ``ControllerPluginBroker``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ControllerPluginBrokerFactory``. This instantiates the ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginBroker`` instance, passing it the ``ControllerPluginLoader`` service as well as the service manager instance. - ``ControllerPluginLoader``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ControllerPluginLoaderFactory``. This grabs the ``Configuration`` service, and looks for a ``controller`` key with a ``map`` subkey. If found, this value is passed to the constructor of ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginLoader`` (otherwise, an empty array is passed). - ``DependencyInjector``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\DiFactory``. This pulls the ``Configuration`` service, and looks for a "di" key; if found, that value is used to configure a new ``Zend\Di\Di`` instance. Additionally, the ``Di`` instance is used to seed a ``Zend\ServiceManager\Di\DiAbstractServiceFactory`` instance which is then attached to the service manager as an abstract factory -- effectively enabling DI as a fallback for providing services. - ``EventManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\EventManagerFactory``. This factory composes a static reference to a ``SharedEventManager``, which is injected in a new ``EventManager`` instance. This service is not shared by default, allowing the ability to have an ``EventManager`` per service, with a shared ``SharedEventManager`` injected in each. - ``ModuleManager``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ModuleManagerFactory``. This is perhaps the most complex factory in the MVC stack. It expects that an ``ApplicationConfiguration`` service has been injected, with keys for ``module_listener_options`` and ``modules``; see the quick start for samples. It instantiates an instance of ``Zend\ModuleManager\Listener\DefaultListenerAggregate``, using the "module_listener_options" retrieved. It also instantiates an instance of ``Zend\ModuleManager\Listener\ServiceListener``, providing it the service manager. Next, it retrieves the ``EventManager`` service, and attaches the above listeners. It instantiates a ``Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent`` instance, setting the "ServiceManager" parameter to the service manager object. Finally, it instantiates a ``Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager`` instance, and injects the ``EventManager`` and ``ModuleEvent``. - ``Router``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\RouterFactory``. This grabs the ``Configuration`` service, and pulls from the ``router`` key, passing it to ``Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\TreeRouteStack::factory`` in order to get a configured router instance. - ``ViewFeedRenderer``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewFeedRendererFactory``, which simply returns a ``Zend\View\Renderer\FeedRenderer`` instance. - ``ViewFeedStrategy``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewFeedStrategyFactory``. This instantiates a ``Zend\View\Strategy\FeedStrategy`` instance with the ``ViewFeedRenderer`` service. - ``ViewJsonRenderer``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewJsonRendererFactory``, which simply returns a ``Zend\View\Renderer\JsonRenderer`` instance. - ``ViewJsonStrategy``, mapping to ``Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewJsonStrategyFactory``. This instantiates a ``Zend\View\Strategy\JsonStrategy`` instance with the ``ViewJsonRenderer`` service. - **Aliases** - ``Config``, mapping to the ``Configuration`` service. - ``Di``, mapping to the ``DependencyInjector`` service. - ``Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface``, mapping to the ``EventManager`` service. This is mainly to ensure that when falling through to DI, classes are still injected via the ``ServiceManager``. - ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginBroker``, mapping to the ``ControllerPluginBroker`` service. This is mainly to ensure that when falling through to DI, classes are still injected via the ``ServiceManager``. - ``Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginLoader``, mapping to the ``ControllerPluginLoader`` service. This is mainly to ensure that when falling through to DI, classes are still injected via the ``ServiceManager``. Additionally, two initializers are registered. Initializers are run on created instances, and may be used to further configure them. The two initializers the ``ServiceManagerConfiguration`` class creates and registers do the following: - For objects that implement ``Zend\EventManager\EventManagerAwareInterface``, the ``EventManager`` service will be retrieved and injected. This service is **not** shared, though each instance it creates is injected with a shared instance of ``SharedEventManager``. - For objects that implement ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManagerAwareInterface``, the ``ServiceManager`` will inject itself into the object. Finally, the ``ServiceManager`` registers itself as the ``ServiceManager`` service, and aliases itself to the class names ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManagerInterface`` and ``Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager``. .. _zend.mvc.services.view-manager: ViewManager ----------- The View layer within ``Zend\Mvc`` consists of a large number of collaborators and event listeners. As such, ``Zend\Mvc\View\ViewManager`` was created to handle creation of the various objects, as well as wiring them together and establishing event listeners. The ``ViewManager`` itself is an event listener on the ``bootstrap`` event. It retrieves the ``ServiceManager`` from the ``Application`` object, as well as its composed ``EventManager``. Configuration for all members of the ``ViewManager`` fall under the ``view_manager`` configuration key, and expect values as noted below. The following services are created and managed by the ``ViewManager``: - ``ViewHelperLoader``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\HelperLoader``. If a ``helper_map`` subkey is provided, its value will be used as a map to seed the helper loader. - ``ViewHelperBroker``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\HelperBroker``. It is seeded with the ``ViewHelperLoader`` service, as well as the ``ServiceManager`` itself. The ``Router`` service is retrieved, and injected into the ``Url`` helper. If the ``base_path`` key is present, it is used to inject the ``BasePath`` view helper; otherwise, the ``Request`` service is retrieved, and the value of its ``getBasePath()`` method is used. If the ``doctype`` key is present, it will be used to set the value of the ``Doctype`` view helper. - ``ViewTemplateMapResolver``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Resolver\TemplateMapResolver``. If a ``template_map`` key is present, it will be used to seed the template map. - ``ViewTemplatePathStack``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack``. If a ``template_path_stack`` key is prsent, it will be used to seed the stack. - ``ViewResolver``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Resolver\AggregateResolver`` and ``Zend\View\Resolver\ResolverInterface``. It is seeded with the ``ViewTemplateMapResolver`` and ``ViewTemplatePathStack`` services as resolvers. - ``ViewRenderer``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer`` and ``Zend\View\Renderer\RendererInterface``. It is seeded with the ``ViewResolver`` and ``ViewHelperBroker`` services. Additionally, the ``ViewModel`` helper gets seeded with the ``ViewModel`` as its root (layout) model. - ``ViewPhpRendererStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\Strategy\PhpRendererStrategy``. It gets seeded with the ``ViewRenderer`` service. - ``View``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\View\View``. It gets seeded with the ``EventManager`` service, and attaches the ``ViewPhpRendererStrategy`` as an aggregate listener. - ``DefaultRenderingStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\Mvc\View\DefaultRenderingStrategy``. If the ``layout`` key is prsent, it is used to seed the strategy's layout template. It is seeded with the ``View`` service. - ``ExceptionStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\Mvc\View\ExceptionStrategy``. If the ``dislay_exceptions`` or ``exception_template`` keys are present, they are usd to configure the strategy. - ``RouteNotFoundStrategy``, representing and aliased to ``Zend\Mvc\View\RouteNotFoundStrategy`` and ``404Stategy``. If the ``display_not_found_reason`` or ``not_found_template`` keys are present, they are used to configure the strategy. - ``ViewModel``. In this case, no service is registered; the ``ViewModel`` is simply retrieved from the ``MvcEvent`` and injected with the layout template name. template The ``ViewManager`` also creates several other listeners, but does not expose them as services; these include ``Zend\Mvc\View\CreateViewModelListener``, ``Zend\Mvc\View\InjectTemplateListener``, and ``Zend\Mvc\View\InjectViewModelListener``. These, along with ``RouteNotFoundStrategy``, ``ExceptionStrategy``, and ``DefaultRenderingStrategy`` are attached as listeners either to the application ``EventManager`` instance or the ``SharedEventManager`` instance. Finally, if you have a ``strategies`` key in your configuration, the ``ViewManager`` will loop over these and attach them in order to the ``View`` service as listeners, at a priority of 100 (allowing them to execute before the ``DefaultRenderingStrategy``). .. _zend.mvc.services.app-config: Application Configuration Options --------------------------------- The following options may be used to provide initial configuration for the ``ServiceManager``, ``ModuleManager``, and ``Application`` instances, allowing them to then find and aggregate the configuration used for the ``Configuration`` service, which is intended for configuring all other objects in the system. .. code-block:: php :linenos: array( ), // These are various options for the listeners attached to the ModuleManager 'module_listener_options' => array( // This should be an array of paths in which modules reside. // If a string key is provided, the listener will consider that a module // namespace, the value of that key the specific path to that module's // Module class. 'module_paths' => array( ), // An array of paths from which to glob configuration files after // modules are loaded. These effectively overide configuration // provided by modules themselves. Paths may use GLOB_BRACE notation. 'config_glob_paths' => array( ), // Whether or not to enable a configuration cache. // If enabled, the merged configuration will be cached and used in // subsequent requests. 'config_cache_enabled' => $booleanValue, // The key used to create the configuration cache file name. 'config_cache_key' => $stringKey, // The path in which to cache merged configuration. 'cache_dir' => $stringPath, ), // Initial configuration with which to seed the ServiceManager. // Should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\Config. 'service_manager' => array( ), ); .. _zend.mvc.services.config: Default Configuration Options ----------------------------- The following options are available when using the default services configured by the ``ServiceManagerConfiguration`` and ``ViewManager``. .. code-block:: php :linenos: array( // Map of controller "name" to class // This should be used if you do not need to inject any dependencies // in your controller 'classes' => array( ), // Map of controller "name" to factory for creating controller instance // You may provide either the class name of a factory, or a PHP callback. 'factories' => array( ), // Map of controller plugin names to their classes 'map' => array( ), ), // The following is used to configure a Zend\Di\Di instance. // The array should be in a format that Zend\Di\Config can understand. 'di' => array( ), // Configuration for the Router service // Can contain any router configuration, but typically will always define // the routes for the application. See the router documentation for details // on route configuration. 'router' => array( 'routes' => array( ), ), // ViewManager configuration 'view_manager' => array( // Defined helpers. // Typically helper name/helper class pairs. Can contain values without keys // that refer to either Traversable classes or Zend\Loader\PluginClassLoader // instances as well. 'helper_map' => array( 'foo' => 'My\Helper\Foo', // name/class pair 'Zend\Form\View\HelperLoader', // additional helper loader to seed ), // Base URL path to the application 'base_path' => $stringBasePath, // Doctype with which to seed the Doctype helper 'doctype' => $doctypeHelperConstantString, // e.g. HTML5, XHTML1 // TemplateMapResolver configuration // template/path pairs 'template_map' => array( ), // TemplatePathStack configuration // module/view script path pairs 'template_path_stack' => array( ), // Layout template name 'layout' => $layoutTemplateName, // e.g., 'layout/layout' // ExceptionStrategy configuration 'display_exceptions' => $bool, // display exceptions in template 'exception_template' => $stringTemplateName, // e.g. 'error' // RouteNotFoundStrategy configuration 'display_not_found_reason' => $bool, // display 404 reason in template 'not_found_template' => $stringTemplateName, // e.g. '404' // Additional strategies to attach // These should be class names or service names of View strategy classes // that act as ListenerAggregates. They will be attached at priority 100, // in the order registered. 'strategies' => array( 'ViewJsonStrategy', // register JSON renderer strategy 'ViewFeedStrategy', // register Feed renderer strategy ), ), );